Get the best suited solution for your business with Amald
What does Amald offer to their clients?
- Payment Gateway
- Credit Card Processing
- eCheck Payment Processing
- High Risk Merchant Account
- Alternate Payment Method
- Payment Gateway
Payment Gateway is the essential tool that gives your customer a seamless experience when they do transactions on your website.
Features of Our Payment Gateway
- Virtual Terminal
- Inventory Manager
- Quick-Click Button Generator
- Multi-MID support
- Open API for shopping-cart integration
- Customer Vault
- Automatic Recurring Billing
- Credit Card Processing
Credit cards increase your business deals in a perfect manner while you are looking for merchant account solutions. Credit cards are widely used by several countries of the world and offer a solution to your business without hassles.. We assist all the sectors whether you own a large or small, we make you get instant solutions.
- Amald applies specific measures (2D secure & 3D secure to keep a thorough check on the transaction process between merchant and bank directly without security check.
- Credit Card Processing with diverse currencies to make you grow your international business.
eCheck Payment Processing
Electronic check processing is rather the same as paper check processing. Here you do not have to fill the paper check as it happens in banks. Here the customers can pay their bills through an online process. If you have an eCheck processing for your business, you will discover that your customers will easily log on to your web-page and pay their bills without any fuss.
- eCheck Payment Processing facilities payment in a timely manner
- There is a faster payment from customers as you gain an awesome transaction process.
- Besides, it offers security to your business info to be stolen away by scammers online.
- You will encounter least chargebacks once you get eCheck payment processing
- High Risk Merchant Account
High Risk merchant accounts permit businesses that fall under high – risk. to process and accept payments online. High Risk Businesses looking for instant approval can contact us and get the best assistance from us.
The era of digital payments has just begun and it already has changed the traditional payment industry. It’s a win-win situation for all. The traditional credit cards & debit cards are losing market dominance in the payment industry as the data & mobile device penetration has enabled a major population to look beyond the cards.
The Fin-Tech companies had timely sensed the opportunity and offered the best of digital payment solutions & applications to fuel the growth of E-commerce which was just limited to the elite market.
What does it mean for Merchants?
- Merchants having multiple payment methods have seen nearly 30% to 35% growth in revenue & market share.
- APMs have very low (negligible) chargeback ratio in comparison to card payments.
- It has a faster settlement period usually 24-48 hrs.
- A very low or No fee for integration & faster approval in comparison to card payment gateway.
- It triples your mobile conversion rate… Yes, triple as most of the potential reach out to you on mobile devices & a wallet payment options increases the chance of sale as it avoids the hassles of filling long details of cards.
This not only adds value to your business but also wins you more customers.
Payment Modes Supported
- Credit Card
- Debit Card
- Net Banking
- Wallets
- International Payments
Why to go anywhere else? When Amald has amazing services and features exclusively for you.